MAS&NAS Field Work Camps

MAS Expeditions and the Field Work Camp for NAS Members

MAS welcomes NAS-members or other maritime archaeology volunteers with similar training to participate on our research expeditions or on the field work camp. The expeditions are typically "long weekends" with about four days of diving in the end of May and August. The field work camp is held in the beginning of July with up to nine days of diving. Shorter visits to the camp are also possible. 

Almost everyone speaks English, some German and Swedish - even French. We are a volunteer organisation - hence quite relaxed about bureaucracy and performance, but visitors should have adequate cold/dark water diving skills and equipment (some we can loan) as well as proper insurances & diving certificates. MAS expeditions are typically made (weather permitting) to record prominent wrecks in 30+m depths, hence advanced & experienced (three star) divers are preferred. The field work camp however, is suitable for intermediate divers (two star) or even more experienced open water divers (one star) as there are several sites at various depths.

No scientific diver training is required, but if you have one, the dives on MAS can be signed-off as scientific dives. The same applies for NAS part 1-4 credits. NAS-Intro course or similar training is required to participate on the field work. MAS will organize an English lanquage web course in the spring, so everyone can have that done before the expeditions & camp. MAS operations rely solely on participating dive club's boats for diving , accommodation and other amenities. So be prepared for basic "sleeping bag" life with no professional staff to serve you :-)

May research expedition to Saaristomeri 18th to 21st of May 2023

Our "spring expedition" is planned to continue the fotogrammetry recording of the e.g. Borstö and Vrouw Maria wrecks - weather permitting. We will dock for the nights at Trunsö island. The boats leave from Helsinki the day before (17th) and arrive day later (22nd) but it is also possible to board the boats in Kasnäs on the 18th&21st. The "all inclusive" on-board cost is 240€ (60€/day). BYOB! 

July Field Work Camp in Saaristomeri 1st to 9th of July 2023

Our "traditional" fied work camp concentrates on the recording of Saaristomeri & Hanko area wrecks by taking dating samples and fotogrammetry video plus metal detecting of the wrecks. Also some inventories may be performed. NAS part-1 trainings are also organized. We will dock for the nights at Trunsö island. The boats leave from Helsinki the day before (31st) and arrive day later (10th) but it is also possible to board the boats in Kasnäs on the 1st&9th. The "all inclusive" on-board cost is 50€/day. BYOB!

August research expedition to Kotka archipelago 25th to 28th of August 2023

Our "fall expedition" is planned to head east into the Kotka archipelago, where the famous Svensksund seabattles were fought. The targets of the fall expedition are yet to be determined, but the tasks and conditions are very likely to be very similar to those of the May & July events. The maximum depths are likely to be shallow <20m. The boats leave from Helsinki the day before (24th) and arrive day later (29th) but it is also possible to board the boats in Kotka on the 25th&28th. The "all inclusive" on-board cost is 240€ (60€/day). BYOB!

Interested to join us for an expedition or camp?

Please email us at and tell us a bit about yourself, your diving & field work experience and what ever you might consider relevant. We will then get back and inform you when the final registration opens. We will also host a few webinars prior to the events, where you can get acquitend witht us and ask questions and get some hints from previous years participants.


