
Join us in online BALTIC SEA 3D WRECK ONTOLOGY workshop 26.11.2024 at 5 PM CET



- Short introductions
   - Who's who on the call

- Why we're here?
   - Definition of the "3D wreck ontology" and what is it good for

- Horisontal vs. vertical research
   - Short introduction to ontological i.e. horisontal research

- Why and how is it done?
   - Survey process and proof of concept by MAS

- Where shall we go next?
   - Short discussion on strategic goals of the Baltic wreck research

- What do we need?
   - A round table discussion on what we need to get going.

- How are we going to organize?
   - Should we get organized or is it just communication?

- Next steps?
   - Next meeting, collaboration platform etc.

     (Our ISBSA poster can be downloaded here)


Microsoft Teams 26.11.2024 at 5 PM CET (16:00 EET)

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 394 975 131 601, Passcode: WM62Fc


Short videos from the preliminary workshop

MAS in 90 secMaritime Archeological Society of Finland (mas.fi)

By cliking the image on the left, you can view a video introducing the MAS in just 90 seconds. The picture itself can be downloaded separately.





Definition of "3d wreck ontology"

By cliking the image on the left, you can view a video defining "3D wreck ontology" and the benefits thereof in abut 6 minutes. The picture itself can be downloaded separately.




Horisontal vs. vertical research

By cliking the image on the left, you can view a video describing the differences between "horizontal" and "vertical" research in abut 5 minutes. The picture itself can be downloaded separately.




The ontology process and stakeholders

By cliking the image on the left, you can view a video explaining the proof of concept MAS has done. The picture itself can be downloaded separately.






Additional resources

Explore the mas.fi website in english - click here.

Take a look at the 160+ 3D models of the shiwrecks in the Baltic sea at Sketchfab - click here.

Need to know more: mas@mas.fi

Download the flyer ATTN! wrong dates!!! (pdf here):




















Given Denmark's position on the gates of the Baltic Sea; isn't it a bit over conscientious to exclude the wrecks on our western shore?

Naturally there's no need to limit the ontology on the strictest definition of the Baltic Sea. The headline was merely an effort to emphasize the Baltic area of operations - even though ships may have come and gone around the world.

Hi, how long is the workshop on virtual wreck ontology will last on the 17th.10?

That's of course up to the participants, but since this is at least intended to be just a kick-off for further co-operation, I presume we should be done in 60 to 90 minutes...

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